Conference (On-site)

Wednesday, 15th of May 2024
08:30 to 16:00

Wilhelm-Conrad-Röntgen Middle School Weilheim

Röntgenstrasse 3
82362 Weilheim in Upper Bavaria

Target group(s)

Educational professionals


Wilhelm-Conrad-Röntgen-Mittelschule Weilheim, acs group

Initiated by the Wilhelm-Conrad-Röntgen-Mittelschule Weilheim, the KI-Forum.Schule focuses on artificial intelligence in everyday school life. The first event will take place on May 15, 2024 and is dedicated to the question "The world is changing - education too?"

There will be talks, a panel discussion, exciting workshops and plenty of opportunities to network. klicksafe will also be there and will be holding a workshop on the topic of "Disinformation and deepfakes. Scaremongering or a serious threat?" .

Further information is available at the following URL: There you will also find the registration form and the opportunity to subscribe to a newsletter about the event.