gamescom congress
Congress (On-site & online)
Thursday, 22nd of August 2024
Target group(s)
Expert audience from culture, education and pedagogy, politics, science and media as well as business representatives
Koelnmesse, game - Association of the German Games Industry
The gamescom congress is one of the most important conferences in Europe on the potential of computer games. With a broad range of topics, the congress demonstrates that games technologies help to stimulate innovation and master digitalization in almost all economic and social areas.
The gamescom congress addresses guests from far beyond the games industry. These include experts from culture, education and pedagogy, politics, science and the media as well as business representatives from all sectors.
Some of the presentations and debates will be livestreamed on the gamescom congress website.
The gamescom congress takes place as part of gamescom, the world's largest event for computer and video games. The gamescom congress is organized by Koelnmesse GmbH and game - Association of the German Games Industry. The conference is sponsored by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Information and tickets are available on the gamescom congress website.