Disinformation and extremism on social media

Information event (On-site)

Tuesday, 6th of February 2024
4-6 p.m.

Saarland State Media Authority

Nell-Breuning-Allee 6
66115 Saarbrücken

Target group(s)

Young people
Experts / specialist audience
Journalists / media
Anyone interested in the topic

On the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2024, the Saarland State Media Authority and the Saarland Chamber of Labor cordially invite you to the event

Disinformation and extremism on social media: Mobilization and radicalization strategies
on Tuesday, 06 February 2024, 4 p.m. to approx. 6 p.m. at the Saarland State Media Authority.

This year, both the Amadeu Antonio Foundation and the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) are supporting us with their expertise.

To kick off Safer Internet Day 2024, experts from the BSI will give a keynote speech on "Practical tips for the safe use of artificial intelligence".

Afterwards, the presentation "Disinformation and extremism on social media" will provide information on mobilization and radicalization strategies of extremist actors on TikTok and other youth-oriented platforms.
Using illustrative examples, Michelle Pantke, education officer at the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, will show why social media platforms such as TikTok are very popular as (dis)information spaces and have become indispensable.
The spread of false information and extremist content is a growing problem on all social media channels, which must be countered and counteracted. The Amadeu Antonio Foundation analyzes the social phenomenon and provides recommendations for action (not only) for educators.

The number of places is limited, please register early!

The event is the prelude to our Internet: with security! campaign events, which take place throughout the year in the Saarland districts and in which we provide information on current security issues. Further information and dates in the individual districts will be announced in good time.

Further information: https://www.lmsaar.de/medienkompetenz/