Advertising in social mediaHow junk fluencers influence children's nutrition

Children and young people spend a lot of time on social networks every day, where they are also confronted with a variety of advertising content and unhealthy food trends. For example, when "junk fluencers" advertise fast food, potato chips, soft drinks or high-sugar snacks. We provide information on how junk fluencer marketing can influence children's eating behavior and how parents can promote their children's advertising skills.

Why do some children now want to eat their fries IN a burger? This could be due to the #burgerpommes (YouTube) song, which trended on social media this spring and is particularly appealing to children. Whether it's overpriced chips, fast food or iced teas - children are constantly coming across unhealthy food trends on social media that are presented by so-called junkfluencers.  

What are "junk fluencers"? 

Junkfluencers are content creators who promote unhealthy foods in their posts on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram & etc. The online stars pose with particularly fatty, salty and sugary snacks and drinks. In some cases, they have partnerships with companies that pay them to advertise their products. Other junk fluencers advertise their own merchandise, songs or food products. And there are junk influencers who focus on junk food and work with product placement. This usually takes place without cooperation and is therefore not traditional advertising. The products are then presented voluntarily.

What is the problem? 

Of course, children and young people are confronted with advertising everywhere. However, what influencers do, think and recommend on social networks has a particularly lasting influence on them. And when their idols advertise junk food, it has an effect on their eating habits.  

Why does influencer marketing work so well? 

When influencers pose with their "favourite" lemonade in their hand, try out a ready-made cookie dough or promote their own pizza creation, children do not perceive this as annoying advertising and do not recognize it as such.  

Influencers are extremely credible for children. By allowing their young fans to participate in their very personal everyday lives through photos and videos, online stars offer an important identification platform. You can communicate with them directly by looking at their stories, liking their posts or sending them private messages. They are not perceived as unapproachable stars - they almost have the status of real friends. 

Children therefore lack the critical distance to influencers. On the other hand, their editorial content is often almost indistinguishable from advertising. Also because product placements are often used.

    The influence of junk influencers 

    Studies show just how much junk fluencers influence their young fans: The KJM identifies 43 forms of advertising, some of which are highly problematic. Where there are no legal restrictions, the consumption of junk food is increasing significantly, as revealedbyaFoodwatch2021report. More and more children and young people around the world are overweight. Three quarters of the products advertised by influencers are so unhealthy that they violate the World Health Organization's advertising standards for children, as astudy by the Medical University of Viennashows. Experts are therefore calling for restrictions on the marketing of unhealthy foods online, especially on social networks. 

    What can parents do? 

    1. Educate them about marketing strategies in social media.Discuss with your child what advertising is trying to achieve. Make your child aware that influencers also advertise and that there are often sophisticated business models behind their appearances.  
    2. Practice recognizing advertising on the internet together.Question product placements and search with your child for advertising references (e.g. hashtags such as #ad, #advertising, #advertisement), for markings of advertising partnerships or for links to companies. Information and materials on advertising literacy can be found at Media Smart
    3. Show an interest in social media stars.Ask your child which influencers they like and why. Ask them to show you videos and posts by their idols. This will not only help you to better understand your child's fascination. It will also give you a better insight into the world of content creators and an understanding of how influencer marketing works. 

    Suitable information and materials from klicksafe

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