VALUES LIFE - ONLINE: Topic module "Private things stay private - don't post this!
Just googling for the latest sneaker trends, watching the new favorite series on Netflix or liking a picture on Instagram - no matter what we do on the web, we leave our traces. Based on the information collected, a "picture" of our person is created and we are presented with precisely tailored advertisements, for example. Not only our buying behavior, but also our personal opinion towards certain groups of people or politics is strongly influenced by which filter bubble we move in on the net. It is therefore important to think about what information we disclose online and what consequences can arise from this.
In the topic module "Private remains private - Don't you dare post that!" of WERTE LEBEN - ONLINE, young people are informed about the consequences of data misuse and privacy violations and are given tips on how to deal safely with their own and other people's data online. The following questions are addressed, among others:
- What is behind the terms Big Data and tracking?
- How can I better protect my private data and that of my friends?
- What is the Privacy Paradox all about?
- And what do I have to bear in mind when it comes to the right to one's own image?
The associated Webinar is available to school classes (grades 5-9) and youth groups free of charge for bookings.
On Instagram, Twitter & Facebook, the young scouts draw attention to the topic with campaigns they have developed themselves and join in activities, calling on their peers to deal critically and responsibly with personal data on the Internet.
Further information
VALUES LIFE ONLINE: Topic module "Keep your privatelife private - don't post that!
WERTE LEBEN ONLINE: Join-in campaign
More on the topic of data protection
- klicksafe: Topic area data protection
- klicksafe: Online quiz for young people