klicksafe celebrates its anniversaryWorking for a secure Internet for 20 years

The internet is huge, and so is the need for protection, education and awareness-raising. For two decades, we have been committed to improving internet safety through media literacy and actively support parents, schools, associations, institutions and authorities. We use campaigns and events to make the risks on the internet even more tangible. For example, we organize the annualSafer Internet Day in Germany is coordinated by klicksafe. Our work is based on the Better Internet for Kids Better Internet for Kids" strategy of the European Commission.
From the beginnings of the WWW to today's social media landscape - the digital world has changed rapidly over the last 20 years and our klicksafe initiative has evolved with it.
Our focus has remained the same:
- protecting and empowering children and young people online
- raising awareness and educating parents and educational professionals about online risks and dangers
- training with good materials for dealing confidently and critically with online media.
Right from the start, klicksafe has been a leader in terms of innovation, impact and persuasiveness. With the spot "Where is Klaus?", we raised awareness among parents and the general public about pornography, extremism, cybergrooming and problematic gaming online back in 2005. The award-winning commercial was translated into several languages and broadcast throughout Europe.
In 2005, klicksafe was the first initiative in Germany to raise awareness of the issue of cyberbullying in Germany. Together with members of the klicksafe youth advisory board, klicksafe developed the Cyberbullying First Aid app ten years later. The internationally award-winning app is now available in six languages and an easy-to-use version for people with disabilities.
We work in a strong national and international network to protect, empower and enable children and young people to participate safely online. After all, online safety is not the task of individual people or institutions; it requires a broad social alliance of parents, schools, legislators and companies.
To promote media literacy on a broad scale, we continue to provide media-educationally sound advice and teaching material. To date, we have sent more than 13 million klicksafe print materials to institutions and individuals throughout Germany.On the occasion of our 20th anniversary, we would like to send a big thank you to all those involved in media education for their important work in schools and extracurricular institutions as well as to all our partners and multipliers who have accompanied us on our journey. We look forward to another 20 years with you and our joint work for a better and safer Internet.
Anniversary discount campaign
Please enter the discount code 20JAHREKLICKSAFE in the 'Your order code' field when placing your order. The code is valid for two weeks from October 1.