Information campaign for parentsProtect your child ALSO on the net

Parents protect their children from danger as a matter of course in everyday life: They instinctively know when to take their children by the hand in traffic, protect their skin with sunscreen, or put them in water wings when swimming. When it comes to media education, however, many parents are ambivalent.
The Youth Media Protection Index 2022 states that while parents are more concerned than they were five years ago, their active media education activities are declining. Two-thirds of parents do not use technical protection options such as filters or security settings, while every second child surfs the net alone (source: KIM Study 2022).
Online, children are exposed to various risks and must first learn how to navigate the Internet safely and confidently. They need safeguards, support and close guidance when surfing and playing online. Clear agreements on media use are also important.
klicksafe would like to encourage parents to better protect their children on the Internet as well and is providing them with concrete tips and instructions as part of a current information campaign. Because with a few simple measures, they can increase the online protection of their children. During the current campaign period, ads on Instagram and Facebook will be targeted specifically at parents. Parents can also find suitable stories on our Instagram account.
Campaign motifs and information

... Then protect it ALSO when surfing! Every second child is allowed to surf the net alone. 68% of parents do not use any technical aids to protect against inappropriate content (source: KIM Study 2022). We show you how to set up digital devices in your family quickly and safely. This way your child gets a safety helmet for the net.

... Then protect it ALSO from disturbing online content! With just a few clicks, children end up with online content that is not intended for their age or may even be harmful to minors. Parental control programs, such as the free program JusProg, help you protect your child from problematic content. Although youth protection programs do not offer complete security, they can provide parents with useful support in media education.

.. .Then alsoprotect his privacy on the net! Children quickly come into contact online with people they don't really know. There are always contact risks, such as cybergrooming. Take care of the security settings in social media and messengers today and protect your child's privacy. Here you can find step-by-step instructions:

... Then alsoprotect it from excessive media consumption! Only one third of parents check how long their child is on the PC, laptop, tablet, cell phone or game console (source: KIM Study 2022). Fixed screen times, media vouchers or a media use contract can help you regulate media use in everyday family life. Here you can find suitable tips and links:

... Then protect it from your streaming profiles,too! Many parents create a child profile on streaming services like Netflix or Disney+. However, they do not protect their adult profiles, for example, with a PIN. Your child can thus access unsuitable media content. We show you how to set streaming services safely:
The most important safety tips for parents
- Set up children accounts & protect adult profiles with PIN
- install parental control programs
- Make security settings together with your child
- Speak openly about dangers
- Make clear agreements
- Stay in regular about your child's online experiences of your child
Further information & Tips can be found in the Media education section.