Entertainment Software Self-Regulation (USK)Roblox receives new 16+ age rating

Roblox is one of the most popular gaming platforms worldwide - especially among children. Roblox was previously approved by the Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body (USK) for children aged 12 and over. Following a new review, the USK has now come to the conclusion that the platform with its current content and functions is no longer suitable for children. It has issued a 16+ rating. We explain why Roblox is now 16+, what this means for parents and their children and why educational professionals in particular now need to be careful.

The USK has announced in a press release that it has re-examined so-called game creator platforms. Game creator platforms are online services where users can create their own games. This is possible in Roblox or Fortnite, for example. On both platforms, users can design levels and create entire game worlds with their own game mechanics. There are several million of these user-created games on Roblox alone.

According to the USK, the market has developed rapidly in recent years. On the one hand, game creator platforms have become much more popular and well-known. On the other hand, new functions are constantly being added and others removed. As the conditions on the platforms are constantly changing, regular reviews are necessary. This makes it possible to determine whether the age ratings assigned are still appropriate or whether they need to be changed. In addition, game creator platforms rely heavily on user-generated content and usually also offer the opportunity to interact with each other. Both can be reasons for a higher age rating, for example if the user-generated content is inappropriate for children or the contact functions  enable cybergrooming and cyberbullying.

However, the USK also checks what precautionary measures are taken by the providers, what setting options parents have and what content is actually displayed to players on the platform. All of these aspects can lead to platforms being classified as suitable for children.

What is the result of the USK's review?

A total of 17 game creator platforms were re-examined by the USK. The best-known names are certainly Roblox and Fortnite. A complete list of all platforms and age ratings can be found here. The review did not result in any changes for the game Fortnite, which is popular with children. The game is still approved for ages 12 and up.

Roblox, on the other hand, was upgraded from a 12+ rating to a 16+ rating. The reason for this is that Roblox contains depictions of violence, that the platform offers content for different age groups and contains increased purchase incentives. Other risks include chats and in-game purchases of random objects (gambling mechanics).

What does the USK test result mean for parents and educational professionals?

The USK ratings are intended to ensure that children and young people do not come into contact with unsuitable media content that could endanger their healthy upbringing and personal development. USK ratings are therefore mandatory for all providers of video games. This includes, for example, brick-and-mortar stores that sell video games. But also digital distribution platforms, such as the Google PlayStore. They must ensure that video games are only made available to people who have reached the appropriate age for USK approval.

Important for educational professionals: Educational offers, child and youth work and youth social work are public offers according to the Youth Protection Act and must adhere to the age ratings of the USK. Only age-appropriate games may be used at such events. The use of Roblox in an event in which children under the age of 16 also participate is therefore currently no longer possible.

Important for parents: USK ratings are intended to give parents guidance on which games are suitable for which age. However, USK ratings are not educational recommendations. The age at which a game is recommended is not checked, but rather the age at which it can be assumed that the game cannot have any serious negative consequences. According to the Basic Law, parents have what is known as parental privilege. This means that they can decide for themselves which media content is suitable for their children and are not obliged to adhere to the age ratings of the USK. The youth welfare office and family courts can only become involved if a child's welfare is suspected to be at risk.

My child is playing Roblox - what should I do now?

Many parents will no doubt be wondering how to deal with the new age rating. We have put together some tips for you. First of all: It is not the USK that is "to blame" for a rating, but the platforms. The USK only checks what content and functions it finds on a platform. If this content and functions are not suitable for children and the platform is unsafe, this is the responsibility of the platform operator. The ratings of 15 other game creator platforms, all of which have an age rating of 6 or 12, show that there is another way.

  1. Find out more about the age ratings: The USK offers a lot of information on its website about how age ratings are created. The USK brochure provides a very good initial overview of the work of the USK and the background to age ratings. With this information, you can better assess whether the USK ratings are a useful guide for you and your family.
  2. Have your child show you Roblox: By playing together, you can better understand what your child is experiencing on the platform. You will learn to better assess your child's fascination, but you may also see the risks and problematic content. On this basis, you can better decide whether your child should continue to play Roblox or not.
  3. Find out more about Roblox: On klicksafe you will find both a background article on Roblox and a podcast on the topic of "How safe is Roblox for children?". In the podcast, we talk to jugendschutz.net about the report "How safe is Roblox?".
  4. Use security settings: If you decide to allow your child to continue playing Roblox, be sure to use all the safety settings offered by the platform. At www.medien-kindersicher.de you will find up-to-date step-by-step instructions for safe settings and parental supervision. Please note: If you use a parental control program, depending on the age settings, access to apps from the age of 16 may be automatically prevented.