Start school flyer from klicksafeNEW: Media-safe at school - tips for parents of primary school children

Kindergarten time is over and new ways, procedures and routines need to be tried out and discussed within the family: For example, children and parents are already practicing the way to school together. This often raises the question for parents: does my child need their own smartphone or smartwatch so that they can always be reached? But other questions also arise: Which apps are suitable? And what does good media education actually look like?
Children between the ages of six and 13 often use digital media alone and unaccompanied. Especially digital games and online services. This is shown by the results of the latest KIM Study 2022 by the Media Education Research Association Southwest (mpfs). Two thirds of parents surveyed do not use any technical protection measures. The top 8 favorite apps for children were almost exclusively social media services and messenger apps, which are not suitable for this age group.
Close supervision when surfing and playing online, clear agreements and a regular exchange about media experiences are essential. Just as you practise walking to school with children, media use must also be practised and supervised. After all, you are not letting your children walk to school unprepared.
klicksafe flyer: Media-safe at school
In our new flyer, we answer common questions from parents on the topics of "How can I set rules for media use?", "Is my child ready for their own smartphone?", "Are smartwatches a good alternative?" and "Are social media services suitable for all ages?". It also contains information on technical parental control settings, gaming apps and streaming services.
In our comprehensive list of links to the flyer, parents will also find lots of further information and educationally valuable online offers for children.
You can download the new flyer now and order up to 50 free copies from us. After that, there is a charge of 0.05 euros per flyer. In addition to the German version, we also offer the flyer in Arabic, Russian and Turkish.