Media educational puzzle book with worksheets for elementary school children
The materials were created as part of the KABU project: The "info app for kids" of the same name was launched two years ago, and since then children of primary school age have been entertained there with regularly published articles. Now KABU is experiencing its first offline adventures in the form of a small puzzle book and accompanying worksheets for schools.
KABU's campsite adventures - A puzzle book about the Internet
The story of the booklet is quickly summarized: KABU and his digital friend Robo want to spend a nice vacation day at the campground. Just like on the Internet, there are great attractions and offers there, but there are also problems lurking. The two friends get into tricky situations that can happen in the world of cell phones and computers: There are viruses in the food tent, the games tent is teeming with ads - and how does KABU get the password for the relaxation tent to free Robo?
In "KABU's Campsite Adventure," children discover the secrets of the Internet in a playful way. The campsite reflects the challenges of our digital society. In addition to the information in the KABU app, media educational puzzles and tasks are designed to sensitize children to the safe use of the Internet.
Worksheets with curriculum reference
All tasks from the book are also available as free worksheets. They can be used in work with elementary school children and as an introduction to a more intensive examination of the individual topics. The following topics are addressed in the worksheets:
- Fake News
- Digital games
- Advertising
- Cell phone security
- Privacy
- Bullying
- Location data
- Password security
- Encryption
- Image rights
The solutions to all tasks as well as an overview of the location of the individual topics in LehrplanPLUS, the curriculum for Bavarian elementary schools, can be found at the end of the PDF document.
Link and info
The worksheets are available as PDF copy templates for free download: https: //
This site also has the book available for online browsing and downloading. The materials are licensed under a "Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International" license.
KABU is a project of "SIN - Studio im Netz", a media pedagogical institution from Munich. The illustrations and the book layout were created by Stefan Leuchtenberg. The project was realized with the kind support of the Auerbach Foundation and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb.
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