"Mum, can I use your cell phone?" - New Saferinternet.at folder for parents

If children do not yet have their own cell phone, they are happy to use their parents' devices. The parents' folder from Saferinternet.at contains 10 tips for parents of children between the ages of 3 and 6 on how to handle cell phones, tablets & and the like in everyday family life. The guide is available now for download or as a print version.

Children must learn to use cell phones and tablets responsibly. Only then can they benefit from the digital opportunities and possibilities. It is important that parents provide especially young children with competent support in their first media experiences and that children are not left alone with this.

Our Austrian partner initiative has compiled a compact folder with 10 tips for parents of children between the ages of 3 and 6. The individual tips are illustrated using everyday scenes and children's quotes that will seem all too familiar to parents.

Read about how to child-proof cell phones, how to recognize a good app, or how to have a good screen time together. The folder is now available for download at Saferinternet.at and as a print version.

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