World Children's Day 2022Together for children's rights

Children who want to know about their rights are in exactly the right place on the Join-in page for World Children's Day from is exactly the right place. There they can learn all about their rights, test their knowledge in a children's rights quiz, and become active themselves and make a difference. For example, by taking part in a peace campaign at .
The children's website is an interactive site for children between the ages of 8 and 13. There is a lot of information there, especially about children's rights, but also opportunities to become active on the Internet yourself. Every article, every video and every cartoon is checked by the editorial team before it is released - and so is every comment. thus offers children a protected space to try things out on the Internet .
This makes the website an ideal example of a positive online offering for children. After all, high demands are rightly placed on online content that is suitable for children.
What is positive content for children?
But what actually makes a good children's offer on the Internet? The European INSAFE network has published criteria for this. According to these criteria, good online offerings for children are:
- Inspiring - Positive content motivates and inspires children.
- Stimulating - Positive content arouses children's curiosity and encourages learning.
- Safe - Positive offerings open up spaces for children to explore the digital world with as little risk as possible.
You can find even more detailed information in INSAFE's checklist "Criteria for Positive Online Offerings for Children". This checklist is part of the Positive Online Content Campaign (POCC) organized by INSAFE every year in September. More information about the campaign can be found in our news article.
On the campaign website you can also find a Collection of good children's offers from Germany. Included are for example and
On the klicksafe for children page, we have collected many more children's sites and web offers for you.