Now available in child-friendly languageEuropean Strategy for a Better Internet for Children (BIK+)
Principles and pillars of the strategy
The new European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children (BIK+) sets out the vision for a Digital Decade for children and young people, based on three pillars:
Safe digital experiences to protect children from harmful and illegal online content, behaviors and risks, and to improve their well-being through a safe, age-appropriate digital environment.
Strengthening digital literacy so that children acquire the skills and competencies they need to make informed choices and express themselves safely and responsibly in the online environment.
Actively participate and respect children by giving them opportunities to express themselves in the digital environment - with more child-led activities to promote innovative, creative and safe digital experiences.
To implement these important pillars, the Commission invites Member States and industry to join the effort and support actions in this regard.
In language suitable for children
So that children know what rights they have, the European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children has also been published in German and in child-friendly language. You can download other language versions here.
→ European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children (BIK+)
The new strategy updates the European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children (BIK) established in 2012. The 2012 strategy has influenced national policies across the EU and is also receiving international attention. For example, Safer Internet Day is celebrated every year around the world. Actions to combat false reporting, cyberbullying, and harmful and illegal content reach thousands of schools and millions of children, parents, and teachers each year.
In March 2021, the Commission launched its first comprehensive EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child, in which it also announced a revision of its 2012 Strategy for a Better Internet for Children .
To this end, in spring 2021, more than 750 children and young people were asked about their thoughts and views on online safety, content and skills issues in around 70 consultation sessions organized by Safer Internet Centres across Europe. Surveys and other consultations were also conducted with parents, teachers, researchers, national experts on child online safety, and industry partners.
The results, which have fed into the new European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children (BIK+), show that children and young people often have a good understanding of the risks and opportunities online, for example with regard to harmful content, cyberbullying or disinformation. They also want to be heard on matters that affect them. However, many children and young people in Europe, especially those in vulnerable situations, are not yet fully engaged in the digital world. Factors underlying this exclusion include poverty, lack of network connectivity, lack of appropriate devices, and lack of digital literacy or confidence.
The German Safer Internet Centre - klicksafe
klicksafe coordinates the German Safer Internet Centre and is funded by the European Union's Digital Europe Program (DIGITAL). The Safer Internet Centre DE also includes the Internet hotlines of eco, FSM and as well as the helpline Nummer gegen Kummer.