Digital nursery - the new issue of SCROLLER!

Music via the playlist, computer games on the smartphone and an intelligent robot for math problems: What and how do children play with today? And what does their children's room look like? The current issue of SCROLLER is all about the digital children's room.

The seventh issue of SCROLLER takes a look at the children's room of today. What distinguishes today's children's rooms from the past, what are the advantages and disadvantages of smart toys, and how do virtual and augmented reality influence today's play worlds? SCROLLER has scrutinized these and other interesting developments to get an answer to the question: How digital will the children's room of the future be? The SCROLLER children's reporters were able to experience how game worlds change over time at the Computer Games Museum in Berlin. Pia and Karla learn that digital technology can have analog pitfalls in the new photo story. Max Thinius explains how a futurologist sees the children's room of tomorrow. And with the VR goggles they've made, children can dare to take a look into the future.

The magazine can be ordered free of charge at:

SCROLLER is the first children's media magazine to focus exclusively on digital media. Exciting articles, puzzles and lots of stories about smartphones, the Internet and the like introduce children to the digitalized world. And not just as a print magazine. The children's portal also offers lots of practical tips and interactive learning games. More on the topic

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