Digital democracy - the eighth issue of SCROLLER
The focus is on how young people in particular can use the Internet to inform themselves and get involved, and how they can help shape their lives.
Because in order to have a say in political issues, it is important to be informed. Digital media and the Internet offer everyone access to information from all over the world. The challenge, however, is to find one's way through the flood of information and to distinguish between fact and fake.
SCROLLER 08 provides information about the role of digital media in co-determination processes and how important it is to form your own opinion in order to participate fairly as well as constructively in co-determination and democratic voting processes.
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SCROLLER is the first children's media magazine that is exclusively about digital media. Exciting articles, puzzles and lots of stories about smartphones, the Internet and the like introduce children to the digitalized world. And not just as a print magazine. The children's portal also offers lots of practical tips and interactive learning games.
SCROLLER is suitable for media education both in the family and in educational institutions. The magazine can be optimally used in projects and lessons for 9- to 12-year-old students. A supplement for educational specialists provides further information and methodological-didactic suggestions. The enclosed parents' guidebook provides plenty of impetus to use SCROLLER to discuss the top issues of media use with your own children.