News archive News archive 202520242023Page 1…Page 49Page 50Page 51Practice makes perfect! - presents learning apps and sites for kids03/31/2017 Whether math, German or physics - not every school subject is equally fun. To help children learn and awaken their interests, the recommendation service has compiled the best children's sites and apps for kids from 4 to 12. Read onYou are so ugly: Stop (cyber)bullying!03/24/2017 EU initiative klicksafe supports SAT.1 campaign against (cyber)bullying Read onBasic IT protection made easy with the BSI's information offering03/21/2017 Under the motto "Into the Internet - with security", the BSI will be providing information at CeBIT2017 on risks on the Internet and tips on how users can protect their data. Read onWays to Media ComP@ss - Teaching Ideas for Secondary Level I03/16/2017 The LMK, the MKFS Foundation and are participating in the state project "MedienkomP@ss für die Sekundarstufe I" with a new methods brochure. Read onMedia education for refugees03/13/2017 For many refugees, smartphones and the Internet are an essential aid to everyday life. But which offers provide good support and how can media be used to promote integration and exchange? Read onSmartphone and tablet safely in children's hands03/10/2017 New app handout for download from Read onNEW: Flyer on Snapchat, WhatsApp and Instagram03/07/2017 The most important settings and tips for teenagers. Read onThe new culture on the web - between co-creation and consumption03/01/2017 Current focus of the service portal "Silver Tipps - sicher online! Read onHandysektor fasting campaign: "Time out" from the smartphone02/28/2017 The countdown is on: March 1 marks the beginning of the 40-day Lenten season this year. Read onNetworked toys: privacy risk in the children's room02/22/2017 Recently, the Federal Network Agency caused a stir with an unusual appeal: Owners of the doll "My friend Cayla" should destroy it. But what exactly makes the doll so questionable? Read onSeniors on the Net02/20/2017 Many older people are aware of the benefits of the Internet - but the potential risks and lack of practice in using technology often deter them. Where can seniors find support? Read onFalsified news and stylish videos: How right-wing extremists stir up hatred and lure young people02/14/2017 Fake news and lifestyle elements as door openers for inhuman propaganda | high reach even outside right-wing extremist circles | strengthen civil society, support young users and hold companies accountable Read onStudy: How children and young people deal with rumors on the Internet02/10/2017 Young people are unsettled by fake news: The Austrian initiative presents a new study on the topic of "Rumors on the Net" on the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2017. For this purpose, 400 young people aged 14 to 18 were surveyed on how they deal with information from the Internet. Read onNew database for children's media02/09/2017 The database offers orientation in the selection of children's apps and child-friendly websites Read onComputer games in the family - tips for parents02/08/2017 AJS NRW and Spieleratgeber NRW have jointly produced a brochure in easy-to-read language. It contains easy-to-understand information and tips on dealing with games in the family that are suitable for everyday use. Read onPage 1…Page 49Page 50Page 51 Share page: