New SITE STRONG GOODS SEAL31 outstanding children's websites awarded

Today, Seitenstark e.V. awarded the SEITENSTARK seal of approval for the first time to 31 outstanding web offerings for children. The idea and goal of the new seal of approval is to promote the quality and diversity of digital children's media in the long term and to provide reliable guidance for children, families and educators.

The SEITENSTARK QUALITY LABEL recognizes digital offerings that provide positive content for children and meet the Seitenstark "Quality Standards for Digital Children's Media". It makes quality offerings visible and provides orientation for children and adults. At the same time, the seal of approval is intended as an incentive and support for the operators of children's sites.

The project SEITENSTARK-GÜTESIEGEL is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) as part of the initiative Gutes Aufwachsen mit Medien (Growing up well with media ). 

The SITE STRONG GOODS SEAL was awarded to:

Thematic Field Society 

Topic area media competence & Creativity

Topic Nature & World

Hearing & Seeing - Stories

Topic Learning & Research

klicksafe for children

Our klicksafe for kids website has many other great web resources aimed at a young audience.