Let's talk about porn
Nude photos and porn are virtually freely available to young people on the internet today. However, much of this sexualized media content can unsettle and overwhelm adolescents. The klicksafe material, which was developed in collaboration with pro familia Munich, provides background information for teachers and specialists as well as specific modules for lessons and youth work. The booklet is divided into four modules: 1. life in puberty, 2. ideals of beauty in our society, 3. pornography online and 4. sexualized violence and digital boundary violations.
Additional materials
Project 3 | Gender and sexual diversity - as diverse as a fingerprint!
- Interview with trans* woman Anna Roth (with subtitles)
- Interview with trans* woman Anna Roth (without subtitles)
- Questionnaire for interview with Anna Roth - "Simply me"
Project 9 | Porn - between excitement and disgust? All feelings are allowed
Project 11 | Is watching porn ok?
Note: Depending on how much time you have planned for the project, you can choose between a longer and a shorter version of the street survey:
- klicksafe street survey (long version | 11:32 minutes | 376 MB)
- klicksafe street survey (short version | 6:51 minutes | 197 MB)
- The long version is also available for viewing on YouTube: https://youtu.be/do7VL8yPrhs
Project 14 | Sex we can?
Project 16 | Completely normal or totally transgressive?
Project 17 | Sex traffic light - all green?
Project 18 | Nudes, dick pics and co. - no-gos in class chat!
- Interactive PDF "No-Gos in class chat"
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