Expert talk with Madita Oeming (2): Do we talk too little about pornography?

Expert interview


Published by: klicksafe

Target Groups: Educators Parents


Pornography is a rather shameful topic for many people. It is therefore difficult to talk about it, especially when it comes to their own experiences with pornographic content. Madita Oeming explains why this is the case and why it is important to talk about pornography more often.

In the klicksafe expert talk on the topic of "Young people & pornography"  we talk to Madita Oeming. She is a literary and cultural scientist and, as an independent porn researcher, has made it her mission to change the public discourse on pornography. You can find information about Madita Oeming and her work at:

The klicksafe expert talk on the topic of "Young people & pornography" is part of the klicksafe campaign "Let's talk about porn" for Safer Internet Day 2024. The campaign focuses on protecting and educating children and young people about pornographic content and digital boundary violations. All information and further materials can be found at: