Raising children is generally a major challenge for parents, and new influences and demands are constantly being added. Especially in the area of media education, parents are confronted every day with questions about age-appropriate media content, recommended times of use and the like.
When children use media - and they do so earlier and earlier and more and more frequently - parents are automatically required to take a stand, set limits, agree on rules, and at the same time support and encourage their children.
In order to support institutions and instructors as best as possible in their work with parents, klicksafe has developed handouts and concepts. In addition to the following, you will find numerous other materials for educational practice in our material system.
Link collection for speakers and institutions
The online world is very dynamic. Children and young people are constantly discovering new trends and applications, and also new uses and risks as a result. In addition, society is in a constant state of flux, and this also has an impact on educational concepts . Presenters at parents' evenings on media education should therefore keep up to date and regularly inform themselves about (media) educational developments, concepts and methods.

The initiative offers parents practical guidance on media education. Speakers learn more about current online topics that parents are concerned about.

The "Parents and Media" initiative of the North Rhine-Westphalia Media Authority offers various materials for download on its website. In addition to suggestions for invitations and a checklist for organizers for preparing a parents' evening, further literature is also linked for download. As with other offerings for parents' media work, there is a protected internal area for the initiative's presenters, where further materials are available.

The Internet ABC offers instructors various materials and methods for parental work.
In addition, the site offers a large collection of information for children and parents.

The Digital Opportunities Foundation's guiding theme is digital inclusion. To this end, the foundation works in particular in the areas of media literacy promotion, online security and accessibility. Speakers can find current projects of the foundation here.
"MediaCulture-Online" is an Internet portal that provides information on media education, media practice and media culture for schools and non-schools. The service provides educational multipliers with instructions and literature for their own media production, media analysis and media use.